Ladybridge High School

State Secondary School, Eight Form Entry

Approach overview

The school adopts a ‘Trivium’ educational philosophy, based around Knowledge, Exploration and Communication:

  1. KNOWLEDGE – Learn something new from an expert, this includes experts beyond school.
  2. EXPLORATION – Debate, discuss, form your own ideas and gain authentic, real world experiences.
  3. COMMUNICATION – Communicate your ideas to others, and perform publicly, in different ways to a variety of audiences.

We co-constructed our beliefs, mission and the qualities we look to develop in our learners.  All of this, along with the trivium, is known as the Ladybridge Way.  We believe that by developing our learners’ WISDOM qualities, alongside academic knowledge, our learners will be well prepared to thrive and be happy in their future lives.

Signature practices

  • The school has developed ‘Everyday Trivium’ pedagogy, as well as ‘Trivium Projects’, which involve high quality project based learning culminating in exhibitions of learning.
  • A distinctive approach to personal development has been created with a focus on developing learners’ curiosity, commitment, kindness, respectfulness, teamwork, resilience and agency.  For example, learners can elect to visit the ‘Human Library’ during personal development time, where they learn from another young person who has knowledge and life experiences that are different to their own.
  • We have created a hybrid between alternative provision and mainstream education through the creation of RISE (Realising I’m Someone Exceptional). RISE provides a different route through school for young people with a high level of social, emotional and behavioural difficulties and for young people who are struggling with their wellbeing.

Ladybridge High School's testimonials

Why we joined the Next Big 10

We joined the NB10 to learn with and from other educators who believe that it’s possible to provide an exciting, engaging education that prepares young people for life. Within the constraints of the current education system schools can be fearful of doing things differently. We are keen to collaborate with schools that are curious and confident enough to provide more than the narrow band of knowledge that is required for success in examinations.
Paddy Russell, Headteacher
We were excited to join the NB10 team as we felt intrigued by their vision for education and wanted to know more. Being part of the NB10 has enabled us to collaborate with colleagues we would never have met and visit schools that have provided us with inspiration on how we can develop our vision for education further. It’s given us more confidence to think big within our classrooms and see the value of developing the whole child so they can thrive in their lives.
Briony Foster, Teacher of Science and Professional Mentor

Video case studies

Video case study 1

Human Library: learner led promotion of curiosity and diversity

Video case study 2

RISE: alternative provision within the mainstream

Ladybridge High School's Change Team

Paddy Russell


Josiah Isles

Assistant Headteacher

Emma Lee

Head of English

John Knowles

Head of Geography

Katherine Reynolds

ECT Professional Mentor

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