
Per school policies

We maximize our delegation to individual schools to develop their own philosophies within these core values and their own specialist areas of interest. They have freedom to innovate so we can all learn from what works best for them and for their children.

You will find the following policies on the individual school websites:

  • Admissions arrangements – which are delegated to individual Governing Bodies to determine and operate
  • OFSTED reports
  • KS2 and KS4 performance tables – where they apply
  • 16-18 performance tables- where they apply
  • The approach to and content of the curriculum by year group
  • How parents or the public can find out more about the curriculum
  • The phonics or reading schemes in operation
  • List of courses at KS4 – where that applies
  • 16-19 qualifications offered – where that applies
  • The Behaviour Policy including strategies to prevent and deal with bullying
  • Pupil premium Strategy and analysis of expenditure
  • Y7 literacy and numeracy catch up premium – where it applies
  • PE and Sport Premium – where it applies
  • SEN information report
  • Careers Programme
  • Equality objectives
  • Ethos and Values
  • The Provider access policy for providers of training and apprenticeships
  • Arrangements for safeguarding students
  • Charging and remissions policy


Big Education is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment.

​Each school has a policy statement and a set of procedures which make clear how the school effectively implements their Local Authority Child Protection (Safeguarding) policy within their local context. The documents that schools develop at the local level meet relevant regulatory requirements, including for an Early Years phase (EYFS) where applicable.

Big Education Trust staff will comply with each of the school’s policies when working at that school site.

All recruitment will follow statutory guidelines to ensure safe recruitment.

Data Protection Service

Our Data Protection Service is provided by Judicium who can be contacted at: [email protected]

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