Leading Lesson Study


In partnership with:

Collaborative Lesson Research UK

4 in person sessions

Newham, London

Lesson study is a powerful approach to teacher professional development, in which teachers agree a research focus, collaboratively plan a lesson to test out a theory, observe the lesson and discuss their learning.  It is an approach that gives teachers agency, motivates them to learn and helps support continuous practice development.

Led by experienced lesson study practitioners, this programme helps schools get started with lesson study, providing them with a free practical handbook.  It then supports them to consider how to scale up and introduce lesson study as a whole school professional development approach.

We strongly advise schools to send two leaders onto the programme to ensure impact on practice. Primary and secondary schools welcome.

The programme is a partnership project between Big Education and Collaborative Lesson Research UK and Newham Learning. 

Meet the facilitator

Katie Blaydes and Anthea Oppong-Kwarteng

Programme Leaders

Katie Blaydes, Programme Leader, has led lesson study at Sandringham Primary in Newham since 2015. She leads on maths, curriculum design and CPD.Anthea Oppong-Kwarteng, Programme leader, is Lesson Study Champion at Sandringham Primary.Sarah Seleznyov, Programme Designer, is a leading author on lesson study in the UK.

Important information

Who is this course aimed at?

This programme is aimed at middle or senior leaders. We strongly recommend sending participants in pairs , for example a leader and a teacher.

How does this course contribute to a Big Education?

This programme aligns with our focus on developing professional development processes that enable teacher agency and encourage practice change.

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Leading Lesson Study

4 in person sessions

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